Personal Experiences Guiding the Spiritual Exercises  16



It is not rare to find somebody in a stage of total or partial rejection of God who is not aware of freely choosing this predicament. Our rejection of God in a given action can be somehow implicit. We have been deceived, we have been seduced. None the less, we did reject God, because nobody can force us to do so. We need to discover the fallacies we have fallen for, bring to light the deception of which we have been victims, and become responsible for our own hearts, for our Faith, Hope and Love, for our lives, for our actions.

What kind of person we become is a mystery nobody can comprehend. But we have to take ourselves seriously and look at ourselves with great respect. By our actions we shall know our heart. "By their fruits you will know them. A good tree doesn't bear bad fruits". We know what kind of a person we are becoming by our behaviour. We should not blame anybody else for this most important dimension of our selves. "We are like the one we love". God can bring us life. And only He can do it. As the fathers said: "Away from God we walk under the shadow of the non being". Everything around and inside us speaks of God's invitation to let Him be the Lord of our hearts. We have to open our eyes and see the deception of evil, and the faithfulness of God. Sin hurts us. Saint Thomas Aquinas remarks: "sin hurts God because it hurts us whom He loves". If we look at ourselves with the eyes of the world we might not see the destructive power of sin. We do not blame the sufferings and destruction of our world on sin. We might even blame it all on God! But if we look at ourselves with the eyes of God and understand our dignity, the vocation and glory to which God calls each one of us, then we realize the dreadful evil of sin and we accept our share of responsibility in the evils and sufferings of our world. We should believe that with God's power we can win the world. God can heal us and, in our hearts, turn evil into good. Will we open our hearts to Him? This is "conversion".

E) Christian conversion

It is not real Christian conversion when a young person pushed by a boyfriend, girlfriend or a loving mother decides to go to Mass or Confession. After years away from the sacraments, this person gives in to the tears or pressure of a beloved mother. Still this can be the first step towards conversion. The Confession can have a positive influence on them, restore them to the community of faith. They start to understand God's loving care towards them. There is greater joy and happiness at home. Little by little they realize their ingratitude towards God and feel sorry for their wrongdoing. Some months later they ask to see a priest and with tears in their eyes make a true general confession. This is a Christian conversion.

When somebody resolves to change their lifestyle, to stop gambling or sleeping around and settle down because of age, different circumstances or simply because their tastes are changing, this is not real Christian conversion. Christian conversion is more than moral improvement. Moral improvement is only the first step on the way of Christian conversion. Often these new converts expect total perfection in words and actions from the group or community they join. They can be intolerant of the weaknesses of others. They can have, in many areas, a different spirit from Christ's spirit. Indeed, if they do not allow Christ's Spirit to transform them further, they can be self righteous, and very un Christian.

In Christian conversion we see the transforming presence of the Spirit at work in the human heart. Christian Conversion is "allowing the spirit of Christ to enter into our wounded, selfish and proud hearts, to transform us into a new person, in increasing control of our inordinate tendencies, willing to forgive, wishing to love and serve our neighbours".

In Christian conversion there is an inner transformation of the old person's spirit. We are still the same person but the old spirit does not prevail over us. The Spirit of Christ prevails and lives in us, transforming us into a new person, guiding us along the ways of life. Christian conversion is a process which lasts throughout our whole life. In this conversion process the Spirit of Christ brings into the light of our awareness our infirmities and their hidden roots which are always selfishness and pride. Our faith and hope in Christ encourages us to stand up and walk with His Spirit along a new way of life.

Christian conversion has to be expressed in a new Behaviour. "Be holy, be sacred, as I am holy, as I am sacred". But this holiness and sacredness may not be visible at the beginning of the conversion process and yet the miracle has happened, the Spirit has already brought us from darkness to light, from death to life. What has to be present from the very first step of conversion is "allowing the Spirit of Christ to guide us, changing our egoism into love and respect for God, putting ourselves at the service and love of God". "If anyone wants to be my disciple, let him deny himself every day, carry the cross and follow me".

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