Name: Vinh
Date: Sunday - 12/Sep/99 - 02:43:44 GMT
Chu'a Gie^su, da.y Phe^ro^ pha?i tha thu+' dde^'n ba?y mu+o+i la^`n ba?y, dda~ la`m gu+o+ng cho chu'ng ta cho dde^'n gia^y phu't cuo^'i cu`ng tre^n tha'nh gia': "La.y Cha, xin THA cho ho. ..." (Lk 23:34)
Name: Brice Hughes
Date: Wednesday - 8/Sep/99 - 16:45:10 GMT
The New Jerusalem translation compares the servant's talent-debt as Sixty million dollars, and the dinarii debt as $200. My working sermon title is "Your Sixty-Million Dollar Debt." My point will be to focus attention on the debt that each of us owe to God for grace. A debt we can never approach repaying. Congregaions who think of themselves as 'good people' have a problem recognizing the debt they owe to grace they can never repay. (One dear lady told me that she didn't like Amazing Grace because she never was a wretch. The reply I wanted to frame was that I not only WAS a wretch, but I still am. The difference is that I am now a wretch whose debts have been cancelled.
In some ways, my favorite kinds of parishoners are alcoholics in reovery. They seem to recognize the unpayable debt they have been freed from.

Name: Linh Ai
Date: Friday - 20/Aug/99 - 15:08:25 GMT
"What do I lose when forgiving?" I lose the illusion that the other must payback, the anxiety whether the other will pay back or not, and the contempt for the other until the other pays back.