ĐH 2007.01 | Mùa Chay 2007 - To Live Simply so that Others May Simply Live


Trang chính Bao DH 2007 2007-01

Grace . Discovery . Anticipation.

Trần Thái Sơn & Hoàng Dung

  Grace. Discovery. Anticipation. Those three words describe what remains in me from this past weekend.

Grace. I received so much grace this weekend that I came home with such a burst of energy and strength to go on with my everyday living with a sense of Peace and Happiness in my work and at home. God touched my heart countless times. He was present as I reunited with my friends and family after being absent for so long. And of course, I got to make new friends. I met a Chi Thao that weekend and knew it must have been God’s work with her presence. She shared with us that she was surfing the net and she came across our DH website. She saw that there was going to be a Leadership/formation training that weekend in NJ. With her being from NY, it was not long a trip, so she signed up not knowing a thing about DH. In the end, she enjoyed it very much and came home with new friends and new knowledge. I was deeply touched by the dedication Co Chu Hoa Huy had in preparing and cooking food for us ALL WEEKEND. They cooked a lot of good food for us, different dishes for each meal. I know how much time and energy it takes to cook a small meal, much less for 90 people. On the last day, they packaged food for those going on the road with water included. I saw Jesus as if it was He himself present through Co Chu and tears came to my eyes as I silently thanked them for their love and care for us. The adoration times, the workshop times, lunch/ dinner, and meet & greet times were all full of God. =) I felt love in all those moments. And that’s how I refueled on God and love before going home and getting back to my daily life -very yeu doi.

Discovery. I learned SO MUCH this past weekend. I learned how to be a better person, especially that First Impressions are important. I didn’t realize that we may have some bias when first meeting someone just because of the way they look or dress or talk. We need to be aware of that and offer it up to God to change our thoughts. The workshop Cura Personalis really made an impact on me because I love people. I love to meet new people, make people feel special and cared for. I work with patients 40 hours a week. Cura Personalis taught me that in order to care for others, I need to care for myself first. I need to be more aware in balancing between work, rest, leisure and prayer time; take better care of myself physically, eating healthy and drinking enough water daily. When these needs are met, I will be able to function more fully and energized to care for others better. We are all guilty of working overload (whether it be studying late nights or playing games all night, or anything else!) which can lead to unhealthy eating and not enough sleep for our bodies. I also discovered spiritual conversation. I learned that we need to constantly listen to our feelings. What a wonderful way of listening to how God works in us through others. Through my spiritual conversation that weekend, I felt a confirmation of God’s love and blessing for me. I learned the true meaning/definition of DH and it has given me a clearer understanding as to why I am in DH and why I love it so much. I learned the purpose of a DH group and the structure of a group.

Anticipation. I learned that God is constantly calling us, calling us to respond to HIS DREAM. So with that in mind, I am aware momently, especially when something happens out of my control, not according to my plans, I stop and ask God, "What are you calling me to do, Lord?" I am more open to the unexpected and not to react with such negativity or frustration. Coming home, I feel so excited and much anticipation for what is in store for me by God. I know that He has a unique dream for each person and I am ready to embark on this journey. He is constantly calling me to him and is always here with me. He calls me to discover my personal vocation, the one journey specifically for me. Be in constant communion with God. At the airport that Sunday, our flight was delayed a good 2.5 hours! I could have stayed to celebrate mass with everyone before leaving! I felt a little disappointed and aggravated, but then I stopped and asked God, "What are you trying to tell me or teach me through this, Lord?" I listened. I felt a sudden peace. So, I took that time to reflect on all my graces and gifts that I received from the weekend, writing it down on my journal. Thank you Lord for that time because now I have the chance to sit down and put those feelings / graces into a reflection to share with others.

Jesus, Pilgrim of Love. Christmas this year was a great one for me. The most wonderful time of the year just came softly into my daily life, bringing the purest joy and the freshest inspiration. My heart is wrapped warmly by all the wonders of this season. One man is the reason for all this. A pilgrim that traveled the longest journey. All the way from Above, from the highest sky to the earth, into the womb of Mary. Divinity dwells in humanity. Without yet seeing daylight, He had to leave Nazareth, traveled hundreds of miles, across rivers and deserts, through valleys and mountains, to a small village called Bethlehem. Then, from Bethlehem to Egypt, He had to continue his journey. ..Why all these distances. Why all these travels. Why all these sufferings. Why all these sacrifices. Why. ..Because of Love. Because He loves us so much that nothing can stop Him in finding our hearts; because that is where He wants to be. This entire long journey just to dwell in our hearts. Forever.

I was so touched while contemplating baby Jesus, the youngest pilgrim that traveled the longest journey. He had to go through so much when He was still in the womb of Mother Mary and even in the earliest days of his life on earth. All because of Love. All for mankind.

This image of Jesus-the first pilgrim-also brought back to me some good memories of the Cura Personalis Leadership Training. I can still hear some words of wisdom that Saint Ignatius tell us about leadership: "We are all leaders. We are leading all the time. .." "Becoming leader is an on-going process...Leadership is a never-ending work..." "Leadership is not an act. It is my life, a way of living"

Yes. Jesus is the first and the perfect example of leadership for all of us. A leader. A pilgrim. He is calling us to become like Him. He had traveled all that distances to become one of us. To show how great his Love is for us. Now He invites all of us to embark on the journey of bringing Love to the world. Do you want to become like Jesus, a pilgrim of Love? Come to Cura Personalis, that is where the journey begins. See what graces are in store for you! What plans God has for you. You will definitely not come home empty handed.

Much Love,

Tran Mai Hoang Dung & Thai Son