ĐH 2001.04 | Họp Mặt Đồng Hành 2001


Trang chính Bao DH 2001 2001-04

To Our Young Companions

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 To My Dearest Friends,

It had been over two months, and alas, I can reflect on all that had happened this summer - a time to reaffirm my spirituality and to count all the blessings I received.

The first blessing ws the Đồng Hành (DH)  gathering last July.  I appreciated so much the opportunity to help prepare for the gathering.  I made many new friends from all over the nation, online and in person.  Thank you for your spirit and presence.

And extra round of applause goes to the Youth Team members and the Love Boat People for their endless energy (where do you get it!) and devotion, which made the Gathering a great success. You made my job easy.  All those involved in administration, workshops, activities, foods, transportation, security (for sacrificing your rest so we can have ours) and so many others�please know that I can go on for pages and still cannot thank you enough.  I am impressed by your fervor and generosity.  You guys and gals did a wonderful and complete job.

My second blessing was returning to the East Coast for the Love Boat People Prayer Companion Retreat, led by cha Tuấn.  These people gave me so much love and friendship, I felt like a member of their little family. We walked together, helped each other discover our purposes.  I was humbled by knowing that God takes each of us - regardless of background, motives, and insecurities - into His embrace so we can know His love.  Through this retreat, I encountered God, who has walked beside me day by day, on your journey together.  He has sent both you and me a lot of loving prayer companions.  “Do not be afraid, I am with you.”

The Midwest Region Gathering was a blessing because I didn’t have to prepare as much since the agenda was similar to the DH gathering last July. I was impressed by the program�from the workshops to the Holy Rave.  The purpose of Holy Night was to develop the relationship between adults and the youth as one family so that both parties can understand each other�s perspectives, which may help resolve conflicts.  Are we willing to take the first step toward understanding and listening to others in our family? Are we willing to change ourselves so that we can resolve conflicts in our family?  The open forum attempted to hear everyone’s questions and to offer answers that may deepen one’s relationship with his or her family - immediate, group, and Đồng Hành.  I hope everyone discovered a spark - perhaps we can share the radiance this flame when we see each other again in Denver next year.

Last, but not least, the tragedy on September 11th.  How can one consider this a blessing when there was so much sorrow?  Initially, I deemed the event pure evil.  But as I joined the nation to pray for the people in New York City and Washington D.C., I started to feel warm, which must be from the Holy Spirit.  I can recall the day everyone pulled together to check on our loved ones.  On television, I saw people helping each other, regardless if they were family or strangers.  I saw others risking their life to help another.  I saw the spirit and beliefs of our nation growing strong.  Tons of emails had been relayed to encourage and to support praying for others. Within our Đồng Hành family, we emailed our friends and loved ones in the Northeast region, to let them know that we cared.  In memory of the lost ones, let us continue to pray for them, and especially, for their families.  May God’s love and comfort exist among each and everyone of them.

Each of God’s blessings is a gift with a meaning.  I am overwhelmed by His joy and must not take it for granted.  We need to continue to share His blessing and gift.  Please resume and return back to our Youth team planning for next year.  There are a lot of activities added to our agenda, such as the Christmas project fundraising, World Youth Day on July 18 - 22 of 2002 in Toronto Canada, and the youth ministry goals that we had set for next year.  “Goals are never achieved by just a single player, but by a group of players working as a team!”

Okay, let’s roll the ball team!!!  I am looking forward to talking to you soon.  May God bless you all.


In His Love,


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